The following is a chronological listing of how each locomotive came into my possesion. It also contains a
small "quality grading" which is totally subjective, and does NOT value the same circumstances as other people might prefer.
-This list also kind of tell my model railroading history:
1) T3 Tender 1975 Start-set given for Xmas by my grandparents, when I was 8 years old. The machine
lived for many years, but was eventually butchered for spareparts. It still has a place on my layout, next to a small steam
engine repeair shop. It has been painted partly in green and red. Deatil: Bad. Quality: Very
good. Running: Very good.
2) DHG Yellow Shunter 1977 Almost two years had to pass until my parents gave me this one for my
10 years birthday. Served me well, but was later destroyed by me painting it in a terrible red colour, and finally it was
stripped for parts. Detail: Very bad. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
3) MY Danish diesel 1977 The really big break-through for me in this hobby came when my grandparents
gave me this dream engine for Xmas. Has had some problems with the engine due to heavy use. Still works though. Detail:
Very good. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
4) BR24 "Steppenpferd" 1979 Again two years had to pass until my grandparents again came through
with this nice little machine. At the time I really wasnt much for steamers (I suppose I was beginning to develop my own opinion
about my model railroading), but this machine is of very good quality and continues to serve me very well even today. Detail: Average. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
5) BR216 (beige/blue) 1981 With all the money that I owned in this world I finally bought my own
first engine. I had seen this engine on my neighbours N-scale layout (Arnold) and was fascniated with its beauty. Detail: Good. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
6) V60 with TELEX 1982 I desperatly wanted a TELEX shunter, because the idea of remotely uncoupling
the waggons fascinated me. But I couldnt afford to buy a new loc, so I was fortunatly enough to find this second hand. It
looks like it has had some repeairs inside, but continues to work flawlessly. Detail: Good. Quality
Excellent (exceptional for its age!) Running: Excellent.
7) MY Danish diesel 1983 Found this one as second hand and bought it. -Bacause at the time I wanted
to go all danish. I had it all planned: A triebwagenset from Lima in danish livery and an MZ from spanish Electrotren would
have made a fine start. Has had some problems with the engine, but works more or less okay. Detail:
Very good. Quality: Good. Running: Average.
8) E103 "TEE" 1984 Having a job as a teenager doesnt pay much, but was enough for me to buy the next
3 engines which were on sale with 20%-25% off. Detail: Very good. Quality: Excelent. Running:
9) E151 (beige/blue) 1984 Soon after the E103 I rushed to buy the next two engines that was still
on sale with the 20% off. (I was afraid somebody else would run off with them ;-) It was pretty hard to wait a couple of months
until I had the money. I must have passed the shop at least once a week to check that the engines were still there... Reasonable
quality, although it seems to have a problem with the rubber-tires used for traction. I have painted the wheels red. Detail: Very good. Quality: Good. Running: Very good.
10) E04 1984 The last of the 20% off deals was this epoc 3 engine. As it was outside my preferred
epoc, it had the lowest priority, but at last I got it. (Never could stand a good offer ;-) Detail:
Excellent. Quality: Excellent. Running: Very good.
11) BR212 (red) 1986 First shopping-trip to Germany. With all my savings I planned a well-balanced
shopping list for a small trip to Germany. Just south of the border of Denmark (in Flensburg) I could buy everything for around
67% of the normal danish prices. Reasonable quality, butlater developed some strange electrical problem. (Sometimes
the machine doesnt move, it just sits there making a buzzing sound and getting warm). Has a strange cardan-joint from the
motor to the wheels. A construction I think is unique for this Märklin-model. Detail: Good. Quality:
Good. Running: Good.
12) E141 (beige/blue) 1986 Bought secondhand without the original box. It DID however have the original
white styropor-packaging with the Märklinname printed in relief in the bottom. I´m pretty sure this is originally a Primex
model, that somebody "cleverly" tried to sell off as a genuine Märklin. The model has only limited details on the roof, but
is otherwise of very good quality. I build in red diode-light in one end, which alternates with the the white light depending
on the direction of travel (friction-switch). Used exclusively with the Silberlinges in push-pull operation. Detail:
Bad. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
13) E120.1
1987 Saw this as a secondhand bargain shopping for a transformer (second-hand also, of course) Buying the two things
together the shopkeeper threw in an additional discount. Detail: Very good. Quality: Excellent. Running:
14) E111 (beige/blue) 1988 A second-hand buy that came by chance. Reasonable quality. Runs a little
slow until it gets warm (takes around 5 minuttes. After that runs perfectly. Detail: Very good. Quality:
Very good. Running: Good.
15) BR89 1988 After the T3 was finally stripped for the last useful parts I was in need of a small
machine to pull a consist of veteran passanger cars. A cheap second-hand 3000 looked like the perfect answer. Good quality.
This VERY old machine currently has some running problems. (It runs very slow -maybe because I dont use it much?) It has
been painted badly in parts with green and red colors. Detail: Average Quality: Good. Running:
The next 3 engines were all bought on a trip to Switzerland (I achieved to negotiate a price of 67% of normal danish
prices. Nice shop-owner in Zürich!)
16) ICE (proto) 1989 I had the money to spend (after saving up during a whole year) and this model
seemed to have the prestige I now thought my level in this hobby was worth. It all began very well. It ran very well
and fast, but soon some problems began to appear: The light bulbs burned out in record-time. The electronics were not compatible
with the 6600 controllers that I use. -And neither was it compatible with the braking-circuits I used with my signals. The
white plastic has grown quite yellow-ish with time. Some of the plastic-boggies on the waggons are damaged after a few
derailments (my fault); almost no plastic for the axels to rest in. Detail: Average. Quality:
Bad. Running: Good. The worst ever Märklin product that I have, -and the most expensive!
17) Köf (Brawa/Märklin) 1989 The first Köf from Märklin was a "love at first sight"; already from
reading that years catalog I knew that I had to have this model. Its running characterisitcs are terrible. It is almost
useless to me. From the beginning it ran pretty bad, but now it hardly runs at all. Its possible that I have damaged the circuitry
with the 6600, although I am not so sure that is the reason. Detail: Excellent. Quality: Good. Running:
18) E111 S-Bahn 1989 I bought this one together with a complete consist of S-bahn waggons. I have
removed the electronic help for the reverse-switch, because it ate too much voltage. -So I have had to build in my own
light-change red/white (friction-switch). Detail: Excellent. Quality: Very good. Running: Good.
*** (Swiss TEE) Lima. Returned to shop. 1990 From reading the Lima catalog I had grown quite fond
of this set from Lima, and ordered it from a shop in Copenhagen. After several weeks of waiting it finally arrived, with 2
extra middle-waggons. Detail: Exceptional! Quality: Good. Running: Very bad. Electrical
solution; almost unusable for normal Märklin operation (although being a factory conversion). It had only one current pick-up
which was situated in the middle of the train. Result; I returned it to the shop and bought instead: 19) E194 "German
Crocodile" (green) 1990 The expensive Lima-model made it possible for me to choose more or less whatever locomotive
I fancied in the shop, so I chose this one. Detail: Excellent. Quality: Excellent. Running: Excellent.
(I removed the electronic reverse-switch helper and two diodes from the stator-coil)
20) 815/515 Akku-triebwagen (beige/blue) 1992 Another model that I have always wanted -but I wanted
it only in the beige/blue colors. -And suddenly it was there, on the shelves in the second-hand part of the shop. I bought
it straight away. The model had been tampered with, and was missing the light-changing equipment in both motor- and by-waggon.
(So I have installed my own; Original reverse-switch, and fixed cables to the 515 unit) Detail: Good. Quality:
Good I suppose, although the model that I have has been tampered with. Running: Average.
21) BR200 (beige/blue) 1995 I was informed that Märklin was about to make a new BR200, and that the
current model would disappear in favour of one with either digital or delta. Not wanting to pay more for electronics I dont
use, I ordered the old model while it was still available. Detail: Bad. (Has gray plastic instead of
transparent windows. Quality: Average. Running: Good.
This one is from the standard program, but looks like a Hobby or Primex model. The strange and very big motor doesnt
run well at all. I havent been able to fix it. I removed the electronic reverse-switch helper, to gain an additional 1.4V,
but it really didnt help much. (2/6-2006; Motor seems to have been broken in (finally) and it runs very well now!)
22) E140 (beige/blue) 2000 Now living in Spain, I fell over this one (second-.hand) on my summer
holidays in Denmark. Detail: Very good. Quality: Very good. Running: Excellent. (after removing
the electronic reverse-switch helper -It hardly moved with the electronics. Now it goes like a rocket)
Feb. 2005; Earlier I listed this loco as a 110, but I was mistaken. It's actually a freight-locomotive.
Now I WILL indeed have to slow it down again, -or try to change is baureihe-number graphically ;-)
23) "Swiss Crocodile" (green) Roco 2001 On summer holidays in München I found this one discounted.
It has some damage in the roof, which shouldnt be a problem to fix. It´s a factory conversion from Roco. Detail:
Excellent. Quality: Good. Running: Excellent. Smooth and extremely silent (compared to Märklin) Limited pulling-power
because of only 2 traction tires. (one tire on each of 2 bogies with 3 axels)
24) BR50 (kab) 2001 After visiting München we drove to Denmark, where this beauty was waiting for
me in a second-hand shop. (F. Futtoget) Detail: Good. Its age only show in the level of detail. Quality: Excellent.
Running: Very good.
25) BR420 S-Bahn Roco 2002 I was impressed with the size and offer of Bazar Valira in Andorra, and
so dared to ask about a Roco model that I had always wanted, but never actually seen. (And now it was almost 10 years ago
that it disappeared from the catalog). But they had it! -I even managed to negotiate a discount for a small smearing of the
paint because of so many years in the box. Detail: Exceptional! Quality: Good. Running: Average.
This is one of the older Roco factory-conversions, and it runs a little stressed and is pretty noisy. I will fix that later
;-) Electrical solution is excellent! (Full light change. Current always picked up by front unit. Functional braking with
my braking circuits)
Note 9/7-2007; I Finally decided to repair this one. First I removed the gear-wheels of the motorized
bogie that had lost it´s cardan drive; Not enough traction!
Then I constructed a new cardan by soldering some stiff wire. Now it works, and has enough traction.
The cardan might be a little rough (too long?), as the train seems to wobble a little.
Also I had to adjust the wheel-gauge, as it was too small (13.2 mm). Without adequate tools I
managed to regauge all for driving-axles to around 13.7 mm. Now it tracks perfectly through K and M switches!
Running noise does not seem to be a problem on my current layout.
26) BR18.4 2003 My wife finally understood how much trains means to me, and gave me this one for
Xmas! (Many spanish prefer to give the presents at "Reyes" which is 6th of January!) Detail: Very good. Quality:
Very good. Running: Good.
27) E111 with Silberlinge "Airport Express" (Frankfurter Flughafen Zug) 2003 Found this one
sitting lost and forgotten at the edge of a shelf in a small shop in Amsterdam.
At 80 Euros it was a second-hand bargain in absolut perfect condition!
Although it's my third E111, at least they are all different.
Detail: Very good. Quality: Very good. Running: Very good.
28) E160
2003 Another second-hand buy from a specialist shop in Denmark. Although the prototype was not so successfull, and
was limited to yard-use, I personally like it and will use it to run small local freights. (As all shunting is already done
by my good old V60)
Detail: Excellent! Quality: Good.
Running: Good
29) 795+995 Shienenbus mit Beiwagen
2003 What can I say; Thanks to a generous "client" of my Design Service I have received this -now descataloged- Märklin
classic. From what I know, this set was recently acquiered through Ebay-Germany. It is in excellent condition. Like new!
Detail: Average. Quality: Good.
Running: Very good.
30) Navemo Basel streetcar. (DC 2-rail)
2004 "Reyes". My wife had found this one by herself, in a local hobby-shop. This came as a complete (and nice) surprise.
Being an epoch I electrical streetcar, it wasnt really somehting I was expecting. At the end of this page, some photos are
presented of this nice model.
Detail: Good. Quality: Good. (too early to tell)
Running: Good.
31) BR41
2004 Again my wife comes through with the biggest ever train-set I have received in my life! Worth mentioning is
also the remote-controlled tin-plate crane and the Delta control-box which is now my official entry into the digital world
of Märklin trains. The Delta decoder in this loco (and in the BR18.4 too, for that sake) gives excellent control with an analog
transformer, but mediocre control with the Delta-controller.
This nice train-set didnt really come as a total surprise for me, as I was already hinting to my wife that some foreign
dealers were selling older beginner-sets at VERY low prices, now that the new digital system from Märklin has been announced...
(In other words: The Delta control-box goes on the shelf, and the delta-decoder is strapped to analouge mode ;-)
Detail: Low. (Using a BR03 top is just not good enough. Otherwise Average) Quality: Very good.
Running: Very Good.
32) BR75
2004 Picked this one up second-hand in Denmark during our summer-holidays.
Lots of detailing, and somewheat strange wheels and drivetrain; I suppose this is actually a Trix model. Can anybody
confirm that?
Once opened, the inner parts are 100% Märklin though. -And nothing electronic, of course! ;-)
Detail: Very good. Quality: Very good.
Running: Very good.
33) BR03
2005 Reyes. Again a gift from my wife. (mail-ordeded from a shop in Andorra)
A nice standard model. Here its newest (and last!) Delta version.
The quality of this model is NOT what I expected (and am used to); Instead of two loose INDUSI units, there was only
ONE in the box. Instead there was an additional EXTRA kuplung. The "Füherhaus" has a strange colour fix-up on it, with
the running-number printed on top of it. Also the under- and over-part were assembled out of allignement, almost damaging
some red plastic parts. Some gentle -but firm- pushing by hand, allowed the two parts to *snap* together. Nothing broken...
by luck!
Test-runs shows mediocre running with the on-board Delta module. I hope it is only because the motor hasnt been
broken in yet...
Detail: Average. Quality: Bad. (Assembly dubious! Engines "wobbles")
Running: Bad (Motor doesent seem to "break in" even after some hours of running. Although it
runs very smooth, it´s DELTA decoder seems to steal a lot of juice.
28/8-2006; This one continues to run so slow that I am seriously considering ripping out the
DELTA, and installing an old-time reversing-relay. I am at the point of having to remove the lok from the tracks. :-(
28/1-2007; Finally seems to be breaking in. Runs pretty reasonable now, after some running-time.
28/8-2007; Definatly this is a Lemon. The train wobbles (Wheels out of quarter?), and the motor
-which seemed to be breaking in has again begun to fail. I have a hard time beleiving that all these DIFFERENT problems all
originates from Göppingen, and am more inclined to blame the shop in Andorra. I will never know for sure, though.
34) BR86 TELEX
2005 Bought second-hand in Denmark. This one is obviously from a starter-set, BUT I checked to make sure it did indeed
have the ladders mounted on the sides. Actually the model seem complete EXCEPT for some red paint, -which I will apply myself.
The model is rather new, and appears to have seen none -or very little- action.
All blank metal is darkened.
Control is a newer Delta decoder with 16 possible addresses.
Detail: Very good. Quality: Good. (Too early to tell)
Running: Very good for a DELTA.
35) V160
2006. Bought second-hand in Denmark. It´s an older model, but in perfect condition, and running very smooth and slow.
With this buy, I am oficially starting the transition to Epoc IIIa, as this is thought of as a substitute for the BR216
aquiered in 1981.
Detail: Good. Quality: Very Good.
Running: Very Good.
36) Re 4/4"
2006. Bought second-hand in Denmark. This one is from the Swiss mega-starter set from 2004. (The box that came with a
6021 controller).
This one has seen little or no action.
The loco is digital with a 60901 decoder and a 5 pole DC motor.
This is my first digital Märklin loco with high efficiency drive.
The smoothness and pulling power is remarkable!
Detail: Excellent. Quality: Average.
Running: Very Good.
Note 28/1-2007; Decoder (or any surrounding electronic component) is failing. I suspect it has
burned due to some mechanical bindigng of the gears (which I have already repaired). This again indicates to me that electronics
has no quality, and I should continue sourcing older analog locos, whenever possbile!
Note 9/7-2007; Decoder bypassed and motor fed directly. Currently unable to reverse directions.
37) V80
2007. X-mas (Reyes) present from my wife.
Although a cheap hobby-lok, this model seems to be of very good quality.
Drives smooth and pulls great. The model is totally digital, and I can´t adjust the max speed on it.
Detail: Excellent. Quality: Very good. (Too early to tell)
Running: Very Good.
38) BR144
2007. July. Ebay Spain.
Very old BR144 (E44) Roco AC model. Excellent electrical solutions. (Electronic reverser. Full light change. Smooth and
Detail: Average. Quality: Good. (This in an older Roco construction. It´s age show)
Running: Good.
39) Litra MZ (DSB)
2007. August. Secondhand shop in Denmark.
Older Electrotren (Spain) machine. Very sturdy, and actually rather detailed for it´s age. Not bad at all. Motor is very
similar to older Märklin SFCM motors.
Detail: Good. Quality: Good.
Running: Good. (Noisy and crude. Sounds almost like the real thing, but without sound-electronics)
40) E150
2008. X-mas present for Reyes from my wife.
New state-of-the-art SDS-motor Märklin model.
Very modern model. Cardan shafts and all-wheel drive. Not at all like older Märklin. The SDS engine is extremely powerful
and silent.
Runs terribly on my analog layout. That is not to say that the model is bad, it just doesnt run like other older stuff
in analog. In a way it is incompatible with my layout.
I slightly dislike the yellow headlights.
Detail: Very good. Quality: Excellent (too early to tell)
Running: Excellent. (but NOT compatible with my layout -too slow and no inertia)
41) E19
2009. Bought second-hand in Denmark, when on summer holiday.
Older DELTA equipped loco. (with dip-switches)
Typical analog Delta-performance; reliable but a little slow.
With it I also bought a string of (6) Rheingold carriages. (Lima-Hornby 303mm. 2008 production)
Detail: Very good. Quality: Very good. (too early to tell)
Running: Good.
1) Q: Why do I remove the electronic help circuit for the reverse relay? A: It eats as a minimum 1.4V which I prefer
to give to the motor. Some versions permits an easy installation of light-change depending on direction of travel, but apart
from that it really only saves the light-bulbs from the 24V reverse impulse. The main reason to install this electronic
is to avoid the JUMP that some poorly adjusted locomotives make when they get the reverse impulse. This problem, however,
can also be solved by adjusting the force of the small spring that holds the reverse-switch. The other thing to avoid the
JUMP is to make sure that the reversing transformer has enough power to actually give the reverse impulse. I now NEVER have
the jump problem.
Q: What braking system do I use?
A: My old system: Using the caternary contacts on the signal relays I feed a part of the track -just before the signal-
through a diode. Another diode -reverse to the first- feeds the normal stop-track of the signal. This way a stopping train
gets first half the AC feed and then none. A green signal feeds full AC to all tracks.
My NEW system; It is a series of relays (4) that switches in and out a limited power supply to the tracks, leading up
to the signal, and going away from the signal. Each section is fed from its own trafo, or voltage is dropped using antiparallel
If the signal is already green, and extra contact and relay cancels the system, and normal voltage is fed to all sections.
For this to work, each loco has been "calibrated" with antiparallel diodes in series with the motor. (That way some locos
goes "slower" and some faster when fed the same voltage.)
The text below is kept for "historical" reasons. It now no longer applies.
2) Q: What is that braking system I mention several times? A: My old system: Using the caternary contacts on
the signal relays I feed a part of the track -just before the signal- through a diode. Another diode -reverse to the first-
feeds the normal stop-track of the signal. This way a stopping train gets first half the AC feed and then none. A green signal
feeds full AC to all tracks. Only the ICE does not work with this systemk. (It goes all or nothing depening on the direction
of the train (or the diodes ;-) Draw-back: There is no accelleration when starting a train. My new system: All track-power
is converted to DC, and each locomotive has an adjustable resistor before the motor (for individual setting of top-speed). The
track fed through the signal has a large capacity capacitator with a small resistance in serie with it. This way the train
is deccelerated and accelerated, depending on the signal. Draw-backs: The ICE doesnt work well with this. (It only goes
in ONE direction). Havent tried digital or delta engines yet, but there might be issues here also. 6600 controllers must not
be in contact with tracks with DC power. (Its necessary with a "trenwippe")
3) Q: Why does the ICE have so many problems with different electrical solutions, when it IS a Märklin product? A:
Each motor-unit has a faulhaber motor in it. These are strictly DC motors, and works with a lower voltage than the normal
(beautiful) alstrohm motors. Obviosly the electronics of the ICE feeds one half-wave of the AC to the motors going in ONE
direction, and the other half-wave when going in the other direction. Did they actually THINK when they made this? For
what I know there was never offered a digitalisation set (please correct me if im wrong) for the very first ICE. Even though
new electronics might be able to solve some of the problems, the miscoloured plastic and the damaged boggies might not make
it worth the effort.
I have around 175 waggons for transporting goods, and they can and should be mixed in any varied manner that one would
There are however some waggons that makes for good "clean" consists;
1) 13 4-axeled coal waggons. 12 of them in danish "Herningværket" livery, and one in traditional DB colours. Double-headed
by two DSB MY´s. Most waggons are from Fleischmann. (Planned: 6 more wagons)
2) RoLa with 7 waggons for trucks and the white sleeping-coach. (2 more RoLa-waggons planned.)
3) 4-axeled tank waggons. 5 Electrotren, 2 Fleischmann and 5 Märklin (gas and liquids).
4) A mixed nordic freigh train. Severel different fabricates, all in scandinavian livery.
5) A classic epoc III mixed freight train with the BR41 and begleitwagen.
Austrian and Swiss cars (+ one italian) are normally put together with the swiss Crocodile. (A shorter train that runs
on the mountain branch-line.
The primary locomotives for freight trains are: BR41, BR50kab, BR140, E150, BR151, E160, BR194, MY+MY and the classic
SBB Crocodile. -But also available to the freight service are the more universal locos: BR216, BR212, BR24, BR120,
BR89, BR200, BR86, V160, V80, E144
The V60 never leaves the main station, where -thanks to its TELEX coupler- handles all shunting of both passenger and
freight trains.
The Köf normally just sits pretty in the mountain-station. (Standing by for eventual shunting)
I know that the E160 is strictly a shunter, but here it runs shorter freighttrains. Sorry ;-)
The BR86 was mainly aquiered because of it´s TELEX (in case the very old V60 would some day have problems) -but
the funcionality of the TELEX controlled from the DELTA in analogue mode is terrible!
Passanger coaches/trains
Around 80 waggons makes up some pretty strict defined consists;
1) 3 Silberlinges in push-pull operation. BR141 (BR212, BR216, BR111, V160)
2) 3 S-Bahn cars in push-pull operation. BR111s
3) 4 4-axeled Umbauwagens. V160 (BR212, BR216, BR03, BR50, BR104, V80, E44)
4) 6 3-axeled Umbauwagens. BR212 (BR24, BR104, BR50, V160, V80, E44)
5) 5 2-axeled veteran cars. BR75 (BR89, BR24, BR86)
6) 8 4-axeled DSB/SJ Intercity cars. (These waggons are only 24cm long) DSB MZ
7) 7 DB TEE coaches. BR103 (BR120)
8) 6 DB Intercity coaches (beige/blue). BR111 (BR216, BR200)
9) 5 SBB (+3 autotransporters) international travel train. Re 4/4" (BR120, BR111, BR200)
10) 7 DB+1 NS International travel train. BR111 (BR200, BR216)
11) 5 DR (Epoc 2) Rheingold waggons BR18.4 (BR03, BR41)
12) 3 DB Silberlinge "Airport Express" (Frankfurter Flughafen) E111 (BR216)
13) Shienenbus mit Beiwagen 795+995.
14) Akku triebwagen mit Beiwagen 815+515.
15) ICE 401.001 (Complete)
16) S-Bahn consist. Class 420.
17) 7 waggons epoc III consist (Older green waggons) BR03 (BR18.4, BR41, BR50, BR104, E44) (Planned: red dining
18) 3 Donnerbüchsen (Fleischmann). RB86 (E44) (Planned: 2-3 additional waggons)
28/2-2005; My collection is getting more and more anachronistic, as almost all newly acquiered material belong
to epoc III, while almost all existing rolling stock is of epoc IV... While before (pre-Spain) I was running "Year 1985"
almost with no exceptions, my desire now is to run "Year 1970".
Eventually I suppose I will get rid of the ICE (no big loss), the E120 and the S-bahn consists
<snif>. The rest of the beige/blue rolloing stock; I dont know yet, as it still makes up the backbone of my collection.
It will take many years to substitute it all...
28/8-2006; First oficial step taken to transist collection to Epoc IIIa, with the adquisition
of an additional V160.

"Reyes" (Spanish Xmas) present 2004: A swiss (Basel) tram from 1904. |